At Caldera® Spas, we are passionate hot tub enthusiasts. Our company, Watkins Wellness®, is the leading manufacturer of hot tubs and spas and we live and breathe our products.

Meet Stephen Acuña, who refers to himself as a “happy hot-tubber since 2012.” He’s a Watkins Wellness employee and is a passionate hot-tubber. We’re featuring his story in a blog series about the people behind our products. We love sharing our employee’s personal stories about how their spas have changed their lives.
Family Time in the Spa
“Both of my teenage kids are members of the high school marching band. A lot of marching leads to muscle soreness. I like running as a means of exercising, which also causes muscle soreness. Using the hot tub to help with soreness has led to spending more time together as we soak and talk about the day. Also, since none of my children’s friends own a hot tub, their friends frequently ‘invade’ our house to enjoy a nice and soothing soak which usually leads to Dad firing up the BBQ and cooking dinner for all.”

Surprising Hot Tub Benefits
“If I use the hot tub in the morning while enjoying a cup of coffee, when I am done soaking I feel great! I feel awake, the soothing soak puts me in a good mood to get my day going. It is a nice way to start off the morning! If I use my hot tub at night, it relaxes all my muscles and I find that I sleep much better than I slept before having my hot tub.”
A Favorite Seat in the Spa
“One of the corner seats in my hot tub has 6 adjustable jets installed. I replaced these jets with Rotary jets which delivers a nice and soothing back massage, this seat is the best seat in the hot tub. We call this seat “The Captains Seat.” If more than one person is using the hot tub we will rock, paper, scissors to determine who gets to sit in “The Captains Seat.” But if Dad (me) is in training to run a half marathon or 10K race and I am sore, I usually can get my way and call first dibs.”

Tips for First Time Hot Tub Owners
“Hot tub water chemistry is very important. Make sure you keep your water balanced and properly sanitized. This will add longevity to the hot tub’s components and will keep the water safe for you and your family to enjoy.”
Working at Watkins Wellness
“Being a hot tub owner myself, I can honestly say owning a hot tub is a life and game changer. Not only do I find using a hot tub physically therapeutic, but mentally you feel better as well. Our mission of helping people live a better quality of life is such a true statement. Being part of Watkins Wellness makes me feel like I am helping people better their lives. It is a nice feeling knowing I work for a company that produces a product that changes people’s lives for the better!”
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