Hydrotherapy and yoga can improve your well-being and provide an oasis of calm in your busy day. But finding the time for both self-care activities isn’t always easy.
We have good news: you can create a ritual that incorporates all the benefits of both yoga and a daily soak in about 20 minutes – all from the comfort of your own hot tub haven!
The Benefits of Yoga Exercises in a Hot Tub
As anyone who is comparing hot tub models and researching hot tub prices should know, hydrotherapy comes with immense health benefits that include better management of fatigue and relief from chronic and acute musculoskeletal ailments. It also promotes better rest and supports a healthy, active lifestyle.
Meanwhile, the physical practice of yoga leads to greater flexibility, improved strength, and better balance. Combine the two and you relieve stress and tension while rejuvenating the body and centering the mind.
To put this all more simply, pairing hot tub therapy with yoga exercises engages all of your senses and opens the door to an empowering daily practice. It gives you a way to engage with your body that is both gentle and accessible.

Warm water relaxes muscles, allowing you to deepen your stretches for better flexibility.
If you haven’t tried practicing yoga in a hot tub, you owe it to yourself to make it a part of your daily ritual. Here are a few of the best reasons why:
Hot Tub Yoga Is a Low-Impact Exercise
Although yoga is known as a relatively safe and low-impact form of exercise on its own, adding a quality spa enhances your comfort. That’s because the water helps support some of your weight. So, if you are newer to yoga, are recovering from an injury, or just feel nervous about trying new poses, this could be the perfect solution.
Warm Water Leads to Deeper Stretches
The heated water within your spa makes your body more supple, loosening muscles and joints with every moment you unwind. As a result, even newer yoga practitioners are able to achieve deeper stretches without discomfort or injury. For the best results, sit in your hot tub and unwind for a few moments to let your body warm up before you begin.
You’ll Be More Relaxed in Your Spa
Although the physical practice of yoga focuses on stretching and breathing, the mental clarity you achieve is just as beneficial. Hot tub owners have long known that few things are as calming as a good soak. So, bringing light exercise and stretching into your spa could be the perfect way to encourage a more complete sense of relaxation in the mind and body.

Adding simple yoga poses to your daily hot tub ritual helps create an oasis of calm and wellness in your own backyard.
Is It Time to Add Something New to Your Day?
In today’s busy world it can be difficult to find the sense of peace and solace you deserve, not to mention the spare minutes needed to exercise your body and clear your mind. With a daily hot tub yoga practice, you can enjoy all of these benefits from an affordable oasis in your own home. Convinced? Here are some simple yoga positions to get you started.
Hot Tub Yoga Stretching Exercises to Try
Approach your hot tub yoga practice with gentle movements and awareness, avoiding any positions of pain or discomfort. You might even want to practice the following poses in still water first. Then, when you feel comfortable, add the challenge and stimulation of the hot tub jets.
Merge with the Water
Sit comfortably in your hot tub, with your feet on the floor and with plenty of space in which to move your upper body freely. Close your eyes and feel the water move around you. Slowly wiggle your spine, pushing against the water in every direction. Let your movements start small and then widen as you flow with the water and loosen up your body. Next, bring those natural, flowing movements all the way up into your arms and your neck. After a few minutes, come to stillness again in the water.
Flowing Spinal Twist
Take a few long, slow breaths and sit up tall and straight. Stretch both arms out in front of you, then cross your right arm over your left. Bend both arms and reach your hands to touch opposite shoulders, as if you’re giving yourself a hug. Let your shoulders relax, even as your spine stretches long. Keep hugging yourself as you gently twist from side to side. Look over your left shoulder as you twist to the left, and over your right shoulder as you twist to the right. After a few repetitions, come back to the center. Gently bring your arms to your sides, letting them flow through the water, and relax.
When you’re ready, repeat the exercise, but this time cross your left arm over your right, hugging yourself in the same way as before. Sit up tall and twist from side to side again. Then settle in the center, slowly unwind, and let the water relax you.
Buoyant Staff Pose
Return to an awareness of your breath; your inhales and exhales should be smooth and even. Position yourself in the hot tub so that you’re sitting comfortably at a 90-degree angle, with your back straight, your legs outstretched, and your heels on a seat. If you’re able, stretch your back up even taller, lengthening the muscles that connect throughout your entire back body.
Keeping your back fairly straight, fold at your hips, bringing your heart closer to your knees. Rest your hands on your legs and bend your knees a bit if the stretch is too intense in your legs. Now, breathe smoothly, let the warm water soothe your challenged muscles, and hold the pose for five to 10 long breaths (or longer) to let the stretch deepen. When done, slowly walk your hands up your legs, unfold your back, and bring your feet back down to the hot tub floor.
Heart-Opening Flow
Sitting tall with your feet on the floor, stretch both arms out in front of you with palms pressed together, just under the water. Drop your chin slightly to gently stretch the back of your neck. Then press the back of each hand against the water as you open your arms, stretching wide. Let your chest expand and tip your chin up and forward slightly to stretch the front of your neck for at least a few full breaths.
As you continue this sequence, exhale as you tilt your head down and bring your arms together, and inhale as you sweep your arms out again, head tipped up.
Grounded, Cross-Legged Twist
From a relaxed, seated position, take a few natural breaths. Cross your right leg over your left, keeping your left foot on the floor of the hot tub. Set your right hand on the seat behind you and reach your left hand over your right thigh. Reach up through the top of your head to lengthen your spine and twist slowly to the right, looking over your right shoulder, if comfortable. Hold for three relaxed breaths, then face forward and uncross your right leg.
For Total Mind / Body Transformation, Take it Slow!
Taking your time practicing hot tub yoga exercises will allow you to be more mindful of the experience. Some of these exercises may stretch you beyond your comfort zone, but allow the warm spa water to support the process of expansion. You’ll see the best results with daily practice, especially if you merge hot tub yoga with your regular wellness and exercise routine. Soon, as you begin to feel more flexible, energetic, and at peace, you’ll discover how an immersive spa experience each day can open new possibilities in your life.
If you’d like to make hot tubbing part of your daily wellness ritual, your local hot tub dealer is happy to answer all your questions.
To find out more now, download a brochure or contact your dealer to arrange a model tour or a test soak.
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