Wellness Blog

Thinking about how to improve your overall well-being? A home spa offers daily experiences of renewal, rejuvenation, and reconnection. A 20-minute hot tub soak each day can help you relax, feel empowered through self-care, and allow you to spend quality time with your family and friends. Our Wellness blog shows you how.

Here, you’ll learn from the experts how to choose the best hot tub, features, and accessories to achieve your wellness vision. You’ll find tips on how to integrate your home spa into your active lifestyle and use it as a tool for continued good health. You’ll also discover the many benefits of hydrotherapy as a complement to your fitness routine, and the ways immersion helps to relieve stress, pain, and tension. Taking steps to enhance your overall home spa experience has never been simpler.

If you’re looking for an easy-to-maintain, cutting-edge spa with energy-efficient and sustainable hot tub features that will save you money, and powerful jets for the best hydrotherapy massage, Caldera Spas® has a model designed for you. With passionate hot-tubbers behind our research and development, and knowledgeable local dealers providing exceptional shopping experiences to our customers, you’re in good hands with Caldera. If you’re interested in transformation your way, you’ve come to the right place.

Season For Smoothies

My blender has been running in overdrive lately. Smoothies have become a staple in my life, morning and night. Whether whipping one up to enjoy during my morning commute, or post-workout while in my hot tub, I’ve found smoothies to be a quick, refreshing mini-meal – especially as summer approaches. This delicious obsession was sparked

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Track Your Steps With A Pedometer Or Pedometer App

Why use a pedometer or step counter? These days, walking 10,000 steps a day has become the accepted magic number, the one that puts you in the category of adults with an active lifestyle. It also represents the level of activity that most health experts say gives you the greatest number of health benefits. Pedometers

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Diffusing Anger With Walk-And-Talks

Here’s a great relationship “exercise”: When you have something intense to talk about with your partner, lace up some good, supportive shoes and head out together for a walk. Keep a pace that’s brisk but comfortable for both of you. Often, when we have intense conversations, we’re cleaning up after dinner or we’re in our

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Not All Of Life’s Guilty Pleasures Should Inspire Guilt

But really, how bad can it be? Do we really have to live our lives in a completely straight line, never deviating from the ultra healthy, or intellectual? Moms always say, “All things in moderation,” and there’s probably more truth to that than anyone can fathom. We were supposed to eat margarine, then trans fats

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February Guest Editor Q+ A: Introducing Michele Lisenbury Christensen (Part 1)

It’s always a good time to deepen the connection with your significant other.  I’m excited to introduce our guest editor for the month of February who is a professional at helping couples unite successfully, spiritually and intimately. Michele Lisenbury Christensen is a wife, mother, blogger, and trusted advisor to couples, singles, and corporate leaders around

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How To Deepen The Give And Take In Your Relationship

Between work, family, health, home, and community, it’s easy to feel spread thin and depleted these days. Let’s skip the surface-level flowers and chocolates and give something deeper. Let’s offer deeper rejuvenation to our partners – or other loved ones – and find ways to receive their love in a significant way, too. Offer rejuvenation to the people you love When I

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